Monday, January 2, 2012

Kevin@Exploitability: End of Year Tale, Yet a True Story

This article is a translation of [FR] Petit conte de fin d'année, mais histoire vraie quand même, on Kevin's Exploitability blog. I found it an amazing example of how social engineering things is easier than technically cracking them. The author gave me his permission for this translation:

End of Year Tale, Yet a True Story
In this end-of-year period, let me propose you a little tale that goes beyond IT and security. Or not.

This story happened a few years ago and no name will be given.
So, once upon a time, there was a mall, just like so many others, with a jewellery store inside it. This jewellery store looked like an 'L'. The vertical stroke was open on the shopping arcade, with the cashier desk in the middle, and the bottom stroke had a second desk, dedicated to repairs.

       V |
A        |      V: victim
R        |      C: main desk
C   C    |      R: repair desk
A        |
D        `-----+
E             R|

The week-end before Christmas, lots of people crowded the arcade and the jewellery store. As often happens, in order to be up to the mark for these additional customers, a few interims were helping with the sales. They were dressed with sober white shirt and black trousers.
Hereupon, with the help of an accomplice, I've sneaked to the top of the shop, also dressed up with a white shirt and black trousers, hidden by a sweater. I've soon noticed a customer holding out a repair bill for a jewel. Once out of my sweater, I approached her and asked her how I could help. Discussed, checked that her repair bill had been paid and let her wait patiently glaring at new year's new collection. Back in my sweater, I got to the bottom desk to ask for the jewel.
They gave me the jewel upon presentation and verification of the repair bill and I managed to discretely get out of the jewellery store on the side opposite to the customer. Thanks to the crowd, the customer did not see me leave, and the legit vendors did not catch the trick.
So I got out of the jewellery store with a splendid necklace adorned with rubies inside my pocket.
[Little notice for people concerned with my integrity: my honesty being limitless, I went back into the store to return the necklace to her owner, so this is a morale tale, with a happy ending :-)]

Being on an IT security blog, what can we tell?
  • I played the role of a rogue proxy between a client and a server, in order to intercept authentication credentials.
  • The end-of-year overload prevented detection of the rogue proxy (if you can't erase logs, just drown them!)
  • The customer did not consider authenticating the server. Think http"S" or typosquatting. Just a little reverse-engineering was enough.
  • Finally, the true server granted trust just because of a cookie (the repair bill). A double authentication would have been better: repair bill + national ID card, for instance. The bill, seemingly at the name of a woman, should have raised eyebrows. An authentication cookie for entering and making operations (asking for the status of the repair), with an additional authentication for the handover of the payload, remains an interesting option.
  • The extraction of the payload was hooded in a most standard data packet: me, a casual customer, with a grey sweater attracting no suspicion nor attention from legit vendors. To extract data, cypher them (SSL flow) !
Hereupon, happy new year and happy hacking! (and don't rush into jewellery shops to make drivel!)

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