Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Firesheep and forcing SSL

All that Firesheep buzz lead me to discover that a Firefox extension wraps your web traffic into SSL if the remote site supports it. Very simple, neat, idea. (Thanks to NetworkWorld and thanks you Jicé for first noticing.)


  1. I used this extension, but is quite annoying. Some of the services I use daily became inaccessible, because the extension (somehow) made the wrong assumptions about the server to connect and/or the server I intended to reach did not support https at all.

  2. Thanks for the feedback.
    Sometimes, the same happens with some of the best extensions for Firefox, like AdBlock Plus: the filter goes wrong because a website changed or because there is a too large filtering rule in the parameters. ABP solves this problem by allowing for the local deactivation of itself. Could be a clue for HTTPS Everywhere...


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